Fast data access return and reason codes

The following fast data access return and reason codes are added to support binder C/C++ API. These are in addition to the return and reason codes documented at the end of IEWBFDAT - Binder Fast data access API functions.

Return Code (decimal) Reason Code (hexadecimal) Explanation
16 10801001 Allocation error, not enough space to satisfy the request for space allocation.
16 10801002 Fetch() failed, IEWBFDAT module could not be loaded into memory.
12 10801003 Invalid FD context, FD context was either NULL or invalid.
12 10801004 Invalid release, the target release level is not supported.
12 10801005 Unsupported release, the target release level is not supported.
12 10801006 Incorrect buffer entry, the buffer entry and the class name need to match with previous call.