AUTOC: Perform incremental autocall

Perform immediate (incremental) autocall, using the given library name as the CALLIB. Incremental autocall attempts to resolve any unresolved symbols at the time the call is made, using a single library or library concatenation. Incremental autocall does not cause immediate binding.

The syntax of the AUTOC call is:

Requests incremental autocall.
VERSION=1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Specifies the version of the parameter list to be used. The default value is VERSION=1.
RETCODE=retcode — RX-type address or register (2-12)
Specifies the location of a fullword integer that is to receive the return code returned by the binder.
RSNCODE=rsncode — RX-type address or register (2-12)
Specifies the location of a 4-byte hexadecimal string that is to receive the reason code returned by the binder.
WORKMOD=workmod — RX-type address or register (2-12)
Specifies the location of an 8-byte area that contains the workmod token returned by the binder on the CREATEW request. You must not modify this token.
CALLIB=callib — RX-type address or register (2-12)
Specifies the name of an 8-byte varying character string containing the ddname of the library or library concatenation to be searched during autocall processing. Either CALLIB or PATHNAME must be specified, but not both.
PATHNAME=pathname — RX-type address or register (2-12)
Specifies the name of a 1023-byte varying character string that contains the path name of the z/OS UNIX System Services file to be searched during autocall processing. The path name must begin with "/" (absolute path) or "./" (relative path), followed by the path name up to a maximum of 1023 significant characters. Either PATHNAME or CALLIB must be specified, but not both.

Processing notes

If pathname represents a z/OS UNIX System Services file, the binder will assume that the file is a z/OS UNIX System Services archive file. If it is a z/OS UNIX System Services directory file, the file names in the directory will be used for symbol resolution during autocall.

Incremental autocall does not perform all of the normal autocall functions. Messages relating to unresolved references are not issued. RENAME control statements are not processed, and C library renames and the renames associated with the UPCASE option are not performed. The interface validation is not called.

Incremental autocall is not performed if the NCAL processing option is in effect

Return and reason codes

The binder API reason codes are shown in Table 1.

Return Code Reason Code Explanation
00 00000000 Normal completion. Autocall processing was successful and the symbol(s) was resolved.

Parameter list

If your program does not use the IEWBIND macro, place the address of the AUTOCall parameter list in general purpose register 1.

Table 1. AUTOCall parameter list
  DC A(AUTOC) Function code
  DC A(RETCODE) Return code
  DC A(RSNCODE) Reason code
  DC A(WORKMOD) Workmod token
  DC A(CALLIB+X'80000000') Autocall library DDname or path name
AUTOC DC H'51' AUTOCall function code
  DC H'version' Interface version number