Examples for binder regular API

Programming example for binder regular API:

*                                                                    *          
* LICENSED MATERIALS - PROPERTY OF IBM                               *          
*                                                                    *          
* 5694-A01                                                           *          
*                                                                    *          
* COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1977, 2010                                     *          
*                                                                    *          
* STATUS = HPM7770                                                   *          
*                                                                    *          
*                                                                    *          
*                       SAMPLE BINDER PROGRAM                        *          
*                                                                    *          
*  FUNCTION: Example application which includes a module and prints  *          
*      its ESD records using the Binder call interface functions     *          
*      INCLUDE, GETN, and GETE.                                      *          
*                                                                    *          
*  PROCESSING:                                                       *          
*      Broken up into these steps, and referred to by these numbers  *          
*      throughout:                                                   *          
*                                                                    *          
*      A. Initialization:                                            *          
*        1) Set up the entry point linkage                           *          
*        2) Open the output dataset (MYDCB used here)                *          
*        3) Open and initialize binder ESD and NAME buffers          *          
*        4) Start the Binder dialog (STARTD API call).               *          
*           See '16. STARTD list specifications' in sample program   *          
*           to see lists specified in this call                      *          
*        5) Create a workmod with INTENT=ACCESS with CREATEW call    *          
*        6) The list option is set to ALL with the SETO call         *          
*                                                                    *          
*      B. Main processing:                                           *          
*        7) Include module with the binder INCLUDE API call. In      *          
*           this example, IFG0198N from LPALIB is included.          *          
*        8) With the GETN call, all section names are extracted      *          
*           from the workmod.                                        *          
*        9) Loop to call GETD to get ESD data for each section       *          
*                                                                    *          
*      C. Finishing up:                                              *          
*        10) Processing is done; delete workmod with DELETEW call.   *          
*        11) End dialog with ENDD call.                              *          
*        12) FREEBUF (Release) our buffer storage                    *          
*        13) Close the output dataset                                *          
*        14) Return to the operating system                          *          
*                                                                    *          
*        15) Variable length string constants                        *          
*        16) STARTD list specifications                              *          
*        17) DCB for output file                                     *          
*        18) NAMES and ESD Buffer Mappings.                          *          
*        19) Message Exit Routine                                    *          
*                                                                    *          
* PROGRAM INITIALIZATION                                             *          
*               1. Entry point linkage                               *          
*                                                                    *          
* This is standard MVS entry point linkage. Register 12 is saved in  *          
* the message exit specification so that the exit routine can obtain *          
* addressability to its own code and data.                           *          
*                                                                    *          
* The BASR instruction clears the high-order byte (or bit) of        *          
* register 12. This was done because the message user exit routine   *          
* is entered in 31-bit addressing mode and uses register 12 as its   *          
* base register. If the main program is entered in 24-bit addressing *          
* mode, the high-order byte of register 12 will contain extraneous   *          
* bits unless it is cleared.                                         *          
*****                                                            *****          
BAGETE   CSECT                                                                  
         PRINT GEN                                                              
R0       EQU   0                                                                
R1       EQU   1                                                                
R2       EQU   2                                                                
R3       EQU   3                                                                
R4       EQU   4                                                                
R5       EQU   5                                                                
R6       EQU   6                                                                
R7       EQU   7                                                                
R8       EQU   8                                                                
R9       EQU   9                                                                
R10      EQU   10                                                               
R11      EQU   11                                                               
R12      EQU   12                                                               
R13      EQU   13                                                               
R14      EQU   14                                                               
R15      EQU   15                                                               
         SAVE  (14,12)                                                          
         BASR  R12,0              Get 31-bit base even in 24-bit mode           
         USING *,R12                                                            
         ST    R12,MESSAGE+4      Save program base for message exit            
         LA    R15,SAVE                                                         
         ST    R13,SAVE+4                                                       
         ST    R15,8(,13)                                                       
         LR    R13,R15                                                          
         MVC   FREEBFR,ZERO       No buffers to FREEBUF yet                     
         MVC   CLSDCB,ZERO        No DCB to close yet                           
         MVC   ENDDLG,ZERO        No Dialog to end yet                          
*               2. Open output data set                              *          
*                                                                    *          
* This logic opens the output file.                                  *          
*****                                                            *****          
         OPEN  (MYDCB,OUTPUT)     Open output data set                          
         LTR   R15,R15            Successful?                                   
         BNZ   ERREXIT            Exit if not                                   
         MVC   CLSDCB,FOUR        We must CLOSE our DCB on exit                 
*               3. Obtain and initialize binder buffers              *          
*                                                                    *          
* These specifications of the IEWBUFF macro obtain storage for the   *          
* ESD and NAMES buffers and initialize them. Mapping DSECTs for      *          
* the buffers are provided at the end of the program.                *          
*****                                                            *****          
       IEWBUFF FUNC=GETBUF,TYPE=ESD                                             
       IEWBUFF FUNC=GETBUF,TYPE=NAME                                            
       IEWBUFF FUNC=INITBUF,TYPE=ESD                                            
       IEWBUFF FUNC=INITBUF,TYPE=NAME                                           
         MVC   FREEBFR,FOUR       We must FREEBUF our buffers on exit           
*               4. Start Dialog, specifying lists                    *          
*                                                                    *          
* The STARTD call establishes a dialog with the binder. It is always *          
* required and sets the dialog token for use in subsequent binder    *          
* calls. The dialog token must be initialized to binary zero before  *          
* its usage.                                                         *          
*                                                                    *          
* The example uses all three list parameters on the STARTD call:     *          
*  - FILES allows us to assign a ddname to the binders print file.   *          
*    Note that when using the binder API, any required binder files  *          
*    (those whose ddnames do not appear on binder control statements *          
*    or as macro parameters) must have ddnames assigned in this way. *          
*  - EXITS allows us to specify a message exit routine that receives *          
*    control, in this case, if the message severity is greater than  *          
*    0. The exit routine appears at the end of this program.         *          
*  - OPTIONS allow us to specify one or more options that will apply *          
*    throughout the binder dialog. In this example, option TERM is   *          
*    set to Y.                                                       *          
*****                                                            *****          
         MVC   DTOKEN,DZERO Clear dialog token                                  
               IEWBIND FUNC=STARTD,                                    +        
               RETCODE=RETCODE,                                        +        
               RSNCODE=RSNCODE,                                        +        
               DIALOG=DTOKEN,                                          +        
               FILES=FILELIST,                                         +        
               EXITS=EXITLIST,                                         +        
               OPTIONS=OPTLIST,                                        +        
         CLC   RSNCODE,ZERO       Check the reason code                         
         BNE   ERREXIT            Exit if not zero                              
         MVC   ENDDLG,FOUR        We must ENDDIALOG on exit                     
*               5. Create a Workmod with Intent ACCESS               *          
*                                                                    *          
* This logic creates a binder workmod with INTENT=ACCESS. The dialog *          
* token, DTOKEN, is a required input parameter. The workmod token,   *          
* WTOKEN, is set by the binder for use on subsequent calls. The      *          
* workmod token must be initialized to binary zero prior to the      *          
* CREATEW call.                                                      *          
*****                                                            *****          
         MVC   WKTOKEN,DZERO      Clear workmod token                           
       IEWBIND FUNC=CREATEW,                                           +        
               RETCODE=RETCODE,                                        +        
               RSNCODE=RSNCODE,                                        +        
               WORKMOD=WKTOKEN,                                        +        
               DIALOG=DTOKEN,                                          +        
               INTENT=ACCESS,                                          +        
         CLC   RSNCODE,ZERO       Check the reason code                         
         BNE   ERREXIT            Exit if not zero                              
*               6. Set the list option to ALL                        *          
*                                                                    *          
* SETO is used to set the LIST option to ALL. Since the workmod token*          
* is provided on the macro, LIST is set at the workmod level and is  *          
* valid only until the workmod is reset.                             *          
*****                                                            *****          
       IEWBIND FUNC=SETO,                                              +        
               RETCODE=RETCODE,                                        +        
               RSNCODE=RSNCODE,                                        +        
               WORKMOD=WKTOKEN,                                        +        
               OPTION=LIST,                                            +        
               OPTVAL=ALL,                                             +        
         CLC   RSNCODE,ZERO       Check the reason code                         
         BNE   ERREXIT            Exit if not zero                              
*                       MAIN PROGRAM                                 *          
*               7. Include a module (IFG0198N)                       *          
*                                                                    *          
* This step includes member IFG0198N from library LPALIB, using      *          
* ddname and member name to identify the module to be included.      *          
*****                                                            *****          
       IEWBIND FUNC=INCLUDE,                                           +        
               RETCODE=RETCODE,                                        +        
               RSNCODE=RSNCODE,                                        +        
               WORKMOD=WKTOKEN,                                        +        
               INTYPE=NAME,                                            +        
               DDNAME=INCLLIB,                                         +        
               MEMBER=MODNAME,                                         +        
         CLC   RSNCODE,ZERO       Check the reason code                         
         BNE   ERREXIT            Exit if not zero                              
*               8. Get all section names from workmod                *          
*                                                                    *          
* The GETN call retrieves from the workmod the names of all sections *          
* in module IFG0198N. Names are returned in the names buffer,        *          
* IEWBBNL, and COUNTN is set to the number of names returned. TCOUNT *          
* is set to the total number of names in the module, regardless of   *          
* size of the buffer. For this example, the two counts should be the *          
* same. The size of the buffer is controlled by the second IEWBUFF   *          
* macro in step 18, which specifies SIZE=50. This provides space     *          
* for up to 50 names. Since IFG0198N has fewer than 50 sections, the *          
* GETN request reaches end of file before filling the buffer. That is*          
* why it ends with return code 4, and why TCOUNT and COUNTN are the  *          
* same.                                                              *          
*****                                                            *****          
         MVC   CURSORN,ZERO                                                     
       IEWBIND FUNC=GETN,                                              +        
               RETCODE=RETCODE,                                        +        
               RSNCODE=RSNCODE,                                        +        
               WORKMOD=WKTOKEN,                                        +        
               AREA=IEWBBNL,                                           +        
               CURSOR=CURSORN,                                         +        
               COUNT=COUNTN,                                           +        
               TCOUNT=TCOUNT,                                          +        
               NTYPE=S,                                                +        
               CH    R15,=H'4'           RC=4 means have all names              
         BE    GETNOKAY                                                         
         BH    ERREXIT             Any higher is an error                       
         PUT   MYDCB,MSG2MANY      RC=0: Too many sections                      
GETNOKAY EQU   *                                                                
*               9. Get ESD data for each name returned by GETN       *          
*                                                                    *          
* For each name returned in the names buffer, the program issues one *          
* GETD call to obtain the ESD data. If a large module had been       *          
* processed, both the GETN and GETD calls would have been processed  *          
* in a loop to accommodate the possibility that there are more names *          
* or ESD records than could be obtained in a single buffer. This     *          
* example, however, assumes that all ESD entries can be returned in a*          
* single GETE call.                                                  *          
*                                                                    *          
* Assuming that any ESD entries were returned for the designated     *          
* section, the program scans through the buffer and writes each ESD  *          
* record to the output file designated by ddname MYDDN. It is        *          
* possible, however, that the item does not exist and that the named *          
* section must be bypassed.                                          *          
*****                                                            *****          
         L     R5,COUNTN          Number of sections                            
LOOP1    L     R3,BNL_NAME_PTR    Extract section name                          
         LH    R2,BNL_NAME_CHARS                                                
         STH   R2,SECTION                                                       
         LA    R4,SECTION                                                       
         BCTR  R2,0                                                             
         EX    R2,MOVESEC                                                       
         MVC   CURSORD,ZERO       Reset cursor                                  
       IEWBIND FUNC=GETD,                                              +        
               RETCODE=RETCODE,                                        +        
               RSNCODE=RSNCODE,                                        +        
               WORKMOD=WKTOKEN,                                        +        
               CLASS=B_ESD,                                            +        
               SECTION=SECTION,                                        +        
               AREA=IEWBESD,                                           +        
               CURSOR=CURSORD,                                         +        
               COUNT=COUNTD,                                           +        
         CLC   RSNCODE,ZERO                                                     
         BE    GETDOKAY                                                         
         CLC   RETCODE,FOUR       Last buffer                                   
         BE    GETDOKAY                                                         
         CLC   RETCODE,EIGHT      No data for item                              
         BNE   ERREXIT                                                          
GETDOKAY EQU   *                                                                
         L     R4,COUNTD          Number of ESD entries in buffer               
         LTR   R4,R4              Skip empty section                            
         BZ    NEXTSECT                                                         
         LA    R7,ESDH_END        First record in ESD buffer                    
         SH    R7,=H'4'           Leave space for length info                   
         L     R0,ESDH_ENTRY_LENG                                               
         AH    R0,=H'4'                                                         
         SLL   R0,16              Convert to LLBB form                          
LOOP2    DS    0H                                                               
         ST    R0,0(,R7)                                                        
         PUT   MYDCB,(R7)         Write ESD to output data set                  
         L     R0,0(,R7)                                                        
         A     R7,ESDH_ENTRY_LENG Move to next ESD in this section              
         BCT   R4,LOOP2                                                         
NEXTSECT A     R9,BNLH_ENTRY_LENG Move to next section name                     
         BCT   R5,LOOP1                                                         
*                       END OF DATA - FINISH UP                      *          
*              10. Done processing - delete workmod                  *          
*                                                                    *          
* DELETEW removes the workmod from binder storage. PROTECT=YES, the  *          
* default, merely indicates that the delete should fail if the       *          
* workmod has been altered by the dialog. Since INTENT=ACCESS, no    *          
* alteration was possible, and PROTECT=YES is ineffective.           *          
*****                                                            *****          
       IEWBIND FUNC=DELETEW,                                           +        
               RETCODE=RETCODE,                                        +        
               RSNCODE=RSNCODE,                                        +        
               WORKMOD=WKTOKEN,                                        +        
               PROTECT=YES,                                            +        
         CLC   RSNCODE,ZERO                                                     
         BNE   ERREXIT                                                          
*              11. End dialog                                        *          
*                                                                    *          
* ENDD ends the dialog between the program and the binder, releasing *          
* any remaining resources, closing all files, and resetting the      *          
* dialog token to the null value.                                    *          
*****                                                            *****          
       IEWBIND FUNC=ENDD,                                              +        
               RETCODE=RETCODE,                                        +        
               RSNCODE=RSNCODE,                                        +        
               DIALOG=DTOKEN,                                          +        
         CLC   RSNCODE,ZERO                                                     
         BNE   ERREXIT                                                          
*              12. FREEBUF (Release) our buffer storage              *          
*****                                                            *****          
FREEBUFS IEWBUFF FUNC=FREEBUF,TYPE=ESD                                          
         IEWBUFF FUNC=FREEBUF,TYPE=NAME                                         
*              13. Close output dataset                              *          
*****                                                            *****          
CLOSEDCB CLOSE (MYDCB)                                                          
      FREEPOOL MYDCB                                                            
*              14. Return to operating system                        *          
*****                                                            *****          
NORMEXIT EQU   *                                                                
         LA    R15,0              Set a reason code of zero                     
         B     EXIT                                                             
ERREXIT  EQU   *                                                                
         CLC   FREEBFR,FOUR       Do we need to FREEBUF our buffers?            
         BNE   CHECKDLG                                                         
       IEWBUFF FUNC=FREEBUF,TYPE=ESD                                            
       IEWBUFF FUNC=FREEBUF,TYPE=NAME                                           
CHECKDLG CLC   ENDDLG,FOUR        Do we need to end the Dialog?                 
         BNE   CHECKDCB                                                         
*        Ending the dialog also deletes the workmod                             
       IEWBIND FUNC=ENDD,                                              +        
               RETCODE=RETCODE,                                        +        
               RSNCODE=RSNCODE,                                        +        
               DIALOG=DTOKEN,                                          +        
               PROTECT=NO,                                             +        
CHECKDCB CLC   CLSDCB,FOUR        Do we need to CLOSE and FREE our DCB?         
         BNE   SETRSN                                                           
         CLOSE (MYDCB)                                                          
      FREEPOOL MYDCB                                                            
SETRSN   L     R15,RSNCODE                                                      
EXIT     L     R13,SAVE+4                                                       
        RETURN (14,12),RC=(15)                                                  
*                       PROGRAM CONSTANTS                            *          
DZERO    DC    2F'0'                                                            
ZERO     DC    F'0'                                                             
FOUR     DC    F'4'                                                             
EIGHT    DC    F'8'                                                             
MOVESEC  MVC   2(0,R4),0(R3)                                                    
MSG2MANY DC    Y(MSG2MZ-*,0),C'TOO MANY SECTIONS TO DISPLAY'                    
MSG2MZ   EQU   *                                                                
*              15. Variable length string constants                  *          
*****                                                            *****          
B_ESD    DC    H'5',C'B_ESD'      Class name                                    
ALL      DC    H'3',C'ALL'        LIST option value                             
INCLLIB  DC    H'6',C'LPALIB'     Include library                               
LIST     DC    H'4',C'LIST'       LIST option keyword                           
MODNAME  DC    H'8',C'IFG0198N'   Member name                                   
TERM     DC    H'4',C'TERM'       TERM option keyword                           
Y        DC    H'1',C'Y'          TERM option value                             
*              16. STARTD list specifications                        *          
*****                                                            *****          
FILELIST DS    0F                 ddname specifications                         
         DC    F'1'               Number of list entries                        
         DC    CL8'PRINT',F'8',A(PRINTX) Assign print file ddname               
PRINTX   DC    CL8'SYSPRINT'      The ddname                                    
OPTLIST  DS    0F                 Global options specifications                 
         DC    F'1'               Number of list entries                        
         DC    CL8'TERM',F'1',A(YX) Set TERM option                             
YX       DC    C'Y'               TERM option value                             
EXITLIST DS    0F                 User exit specifications                      
         DC    F'1'               Number of list entries                        
         DC    CL8'MESSAGE',F'12',A(MESSAGE) Specify MESSAGE exit               
MESSAGE  DC    A(MSGEXIT)         Exit routine entry point                      
         DC    AL4(0)             Base address for exit routine                 
         DC    A(FOUR)            Take exit for severity >= 4                   
*                       WORKING STORAGE                              *          
SAVE     DS    18F                Register save area                            
SAVE2    DS    18F                Another for the exit routine                  
SAVE13   DS    F                  Register 13 save                              
COUNTD   DS    F                  Number of ESD records returned                
COUNTN   DS    F                  Number of section names                       
CURSORD  DS    F                  Cursor value for GETD call                    
CURSORN  DS    F                  Cursor value for GETN call                    
DCB@     DS    F                  DCB for output file                           
DTOKEN   DS    CL8                Dialog Token                                  
RETCODE  DS    F                  General return code                           
RSNCODE  DS    CL4                General reason code                           
SECTION  DS    H,CL8              Section Name for GETD                         
TCOUNT   DS    F                  Total number of sections                      
WKTOKEN  DS    CL8                Workmod Token                                 
MSGLEN   DS    F                                                                
MSG      DC    80C'0'             Put message buffer                            
FREEBFR  DS    F                  Indicator for FREEBUFing our buffers          
*                                 on exit, if they were GETBUFfed.              
CLSDCB   DS    F                  Indicator for closing our DCB                 
ENDDLG   DS    F                  Indicator for ENDDing the Dialog              
*              17. DCB for output file                               *          
*****                                                            *****          
*****                                                            *****          
*              18. NAMES and ESD Buffer Mappings.                    *          
*****                                                            *****          
       IEWBUFF FUNC=MAPBUF,TYPE=ESD,SIZE=50,                           +        
       IEWBUFF FUNC=MAPBUF,TYPE=NAME,SIZE=50,                          +        
*                       MESSAGE EXIT ROUTINE                         *          
*                                                                    *          
*        This exit routine merely prints out a message as an example *          
*        of how the print exit could be used, not how it should      *          
*        be used.                                                    *          
*              19. Message Exit Routine                              *          
*                                                                    *          
*        Note: This routine will always be entered in AMODE(31).     *          
*        If AMODE(24) is required, capping code must be added.       *          
*****                                                            *****          
MSGEXIT  EQU   *                                                                
         SAVE  (14,12)                                                          
         L     R12,0(,R1)         Get address of user data                      
         L     R12,0(,R12)        Get user data(pgm base register)              
         L     R4,28(,R1)         Get address of exit return code               
         XC    0(4,R4),0(R4)      Set exit return code to zero                  
         L     R3,4(,R1)          Get address of address of msg buf             
         L     R3,0(,R3)          Get address of message buffer                 
         LH    R1,0(,R3)          Length of the message                         
         LA    R0,L'MSG                                                         
         CR    R1,R0                                                            
         BNL   MSGX2                                                            
         LR    R1,R0              But limited to buffer length                  
MSGX2    DS    0H                                                               
         LA    R0,4(,R1)          Length+4 for QSAM                             
         SLL   R0,16              Convert to LLBB form                          
         ST    R0,MSGLEN                                                        
         BCTR  R1,0               Length-1 for Execute                          
         EX    R1,MOVEMSG         Put all we can in the buffer                  
         LA    R3,MSGLEN                                                        
         ST    R13,SAVE13         Save input save area address                  
         LA    R13,SAVE2          Save area for PUT                             
         PUT   MYDCB,(R3)         Write message to data set                     
         L     R13,SAVE13         Restore save area register                    
        RETURN (14,12)            Return to binder                              
MOVEMSG  MVC   MSG(0),2(R3) Executed above                                      
         END BAGETE