Current (old) IDR data (format 1)

The "old" format of IDR data is known in the program management binder as "IDRL" data, because it is typically placed either by default or explicitly into the B_IDRL class.

The 19-byte Format 1 IDR data entry is shown (using Assembler Language notation) in the following figure.
Figure 1. Current IDR data item (format 1)
Translator   DS   CL10     Translator identification ("PID Number")
Version      DS   CL2      Version Level (01 to 99)
Release      DS   CL2      Release Level (01 to 99)
Trans_Date   DS   CL5      Translation date in Julian format (YYDDD)

If the length of the Translator Identifier is less than 10 characters, it must be padded on the right with blanks.

  1. The binder treats 2-digit years in IDR data as follows:
             if  ( YY > 65 )
                 then  Year = 1900+YY
                 else  Year = 2000+YY
  2. IDR data is not stored in load modules by the Linkage Editor and program management binder in precisely this format.