Defining input to the binder

Batch input to the binder consists of the primary input data set and additional data sets. You define the primary input data set using job control statements. You can include more modules by specifying additional control statements and by directing the binder to use call libraries.

Input data sets can contain control statements, object modules of any type, load modules and program objects. The following table shows the data set types in which data can reside.

  Sequential data set PDS member PDSE member z/OS UNIX file
Control Statements X X X X
Object Modules (all types) X X X X
Load Modules   X    
Program Objects     X X

A single library member can contain only one program object or load module, but any number of control statements and object modules in combination.

z/OS UNIX files can contain binder input of all types except load modules. You specify z/OS® UNIX either by coding the PATH parameter on your JCL or by providing the path name on the INCLUDE or AUTOCALL control statements. See Binder control statement reference for more information. Where sequential processing or archive file access is required, you must include the full file name on the PATH parameter; otherwise, code only the directory name for PATH, omitting the last level of qualification (file name). The file name will be supplied by the binder, either from the INCLUDE statement or from the unresolved reference during autocall.

In addition to the data set type, you must consider how the binder will access the data set. Sequential access requires that a physical sequential data set be specified or that a member name be specified with the library dsname. Partitioned access requires that a partitioned data set, PDSE, z/OS UNIX archive file, or z/OS UNIX directory be specified without an associated member or file name. Access requirements depend on the time that the input is required:
The binder supports mixed concatenations of the above, with the following exceptions:
Note: This topic refers to binder processing and input. These concepts apply equally to linkage editor and batch loader processing unless noted otherwise in Using the linkage editor and batch loader. The linkage editor and batch loader cannot process program objects, extended object modules, GOFF modules, s or z/OS UNIX files.