Imported and exported symbol table

The Imported and Exported Symbol Table is part of the Module Summary Report. This table is printed if binder options XREF and DYNAM(DLL) are specified and there are symbols to import or export.

The table shows the imported and exported symbols, whether they represent code or data, and, for imported symbols, the name of the dynamic link library from which the symbol was imported.

A sample table is shown in Figure 1. All imported symbols are listed first, followed by the exported symbols. Within each group, symbols are arranged alphabetically. There are some differences between the two groups:
Figure 1. Sample binder imported and exported symbols table
 ***  I M P O R T E D   A N D   E X P O R T E D   S Y M B O L S  ***

------- SOURCE --------
IMPORT/EXPORT     TYPE    SYMBOL              DLL            DDNAME   SEQ  MEMBER
-------------     ------  ----------------    ------------   -------- ---  ------- 
    EXPORT        DATA    hw
 *** E N D  O F  I M P O R T E D   A N D   E X P O R T E D   S Y M B O L SS ***