Format 1 sibling descriptor (DSECT CMPSCDICT_SD)

A 4-bit field (CMPSCDICT_SD_SIBCT) specifying the number of sibling characters. The number of sibling characters is limited to 14. If this field is 15, it indicates that there are 14 sibling characters associated with this entry and that there is another sibling descriptor entry, which describes additional children. That sibling descriptor entry is located at dictionary entry this-sibling-descriptor-index + 15. If there are 1 to 6 sibling characters, they are contained in this entry, and the dictionary entries for those characters are located at this-sibling-descriptor-index + n, where n is 1 to 6. If there are 7 to 14 sibling characters, the first 6 are as described previously, and characters 7 through 14 are located in the expansion dictionary entry. (See Sibling descriptor extension entry (DSECT CMPSCDICT_SDE).) The index of the character entry is this-sibling-descriptor-index. The number of sibling characters should not be 0.
A 12-bit field (CMPSCDICT_SD_EXSIB), one for each sibling character, indicating whether to examine the character entries for sibling characters 1 through 12. Recall that the examine-sibling indicator for sibling characters 13 and 14 for the first sibling descriptor is in the character entry field CMPSCDICT_CE_EXSIB. If this is not the first sibling descriptor for the child entry, then the character entries for sibling characters 13 and 14 are examined irregardless. The bit is ignored if the sibling does not exist.
Sibling character. Sibling characters 8 through 14 are in the expansion dictionary. (See Sibling descriptor extension entry (DSECT CMPSCDICT_SDE).) The 6-character field (CMPSCDICT_SD_CHILDCHAR) is provided to contain the sibling characters. The index of the character entry for sibling character n is this-sibling-descriptor-index + n-1.