Example: TESTCB macro (use a branch table)

In this example, a TESTCB macro is used to test whether ENDPROC is the routine supplied for the EODAD exit in the exit list EXITS, and whether the EODAD exit is active. A branch table is used to determine whether the test is successful.
        TESTCB EODAD=(ENDPROC,A), Is ENDPROC supplied and is the exit  x
              EXLST=EXITS         active?
        B      *+4(15)
If the test was made successfully, register 15 contains 0 and the next instruction is executed.
        B      TEST1
If it was unsuccessful, register 15 contains 4 and the next instruction is executed.
        ABEND  2,DUMP
YES     ...                       Yes; ENDPROC is supplied and active.
NO      ...                       ENDPROC is not supplied, or the exit
                                  is not active.