PDABD—Provide symbolic reference to a parallel data access block (QSAM)

The PDABD macro generates a dummy control section that provides symbolic names for the fields in one or more parallel data access blocks. The names, attributes, and descriptions of the fields appear in PDABD symbolic field names.

The name of the dummy control section generated by a PDABD macro is IHAPDAB.A USING instruction specifying IHAPDAB and a dummy section base register containing the address of the actual parallel data access block should come before any of the symbolic names provided by the dummy section.You may code the PDABD macro once in any assembled module. However, you can use the resulting symbolic names for any number of parallel data access blocks by changing the address in the dummy section base register. You can code the PDABD macro at any point in a control section. If coded at any point other than at the end of a control section, the control section must be resumed by coding a CSECT instruction.

The format of the PDABD macro is b PDABD b