
An example of allocating a generation data set by supplying its DCB attributes using DATACLAS is:
The DCB attributes allocated to the new data set depend on the attributes defined in data class ALLOCL01. Your storage administrator can provide information on the attributes specified by the data classes available to your installation.
An example of referring to a cataloged data set by referring to its DD statement is:
The new generation data set have the same attributes as the data set defined in the first example.

You can also refer to an existing model DSCB for which you can supply overriding attributes.

To refer to an existing model, specify DCB=(modeldscbname, your attributes) on the DD statement that creates and catalogs your generation. Assume that you have a GDG base name ICFUCAT8.GDGBASE and its model DSCB name is ICFUCAT8.GDGBASE.

You can specify:
   //        UNIT=3380,SPACE=(TRK,(5)),VOL=SER=338001