The report format

The report format has a 1 - 4 character name (for example, UGRP). It contains the ICETOOL statements that control report format and record summary information, such as SORT, COPY, DISPLAY, and OCCURS statements. An example of a report format member is shown in Figure 1. This is the report format member UGRP, which is the report format for the "Users With Extraordinary Group Authorities" report.

Figure 1. Member UGRP: Users with extraordinary group authorities: report format statements
* Name: UGRP                                                         *
*                                                                    *
* Find all of the user IDs which have extraordinary RACF privileges, *
* such as SPECIAL, OPERATIONS, and AUDITOR at the group level.       *
 SORT    FROM(DBUDATA)  TO(TEMP0001) USING(RACF)                      
 DISPLAY FROM(TEMP0001) LIST(PRINT) -                                 
         PAGE -                                                       
         TITLE('UGRP: Users With Extraordinary Group Authorities') -  
         DATE(YMD/) -                                                 
         TIME(12:) -                                                  
         BLANK -                                                      
         ON(10,8,CH)  HEADER('User ID') -                              
         ON(19,8,CH)  HEADER('Group ID') -                             
         ON(88,4,CH)  HEADER('Group Special') -                        
         ON(93,4,CH)  HEADER('Group Operations') -                     
         ON(113,4,CH) HEADER('Group Auditor')                

See z/OS Security Server RACF Macros and Interfaces for the conversion rules of the database unload utility.