Refreshing profiles for SETROPTS RACLIST processing for MGMTCLAS and STORCLAS

If SETROPTS RACLIST processing has been activated for the MGMTCLAS and STORCLAS resource classes, you must refresh profiles for RACLIST processing for either class when you do one of the following:
  • Define a new profile in the class
  • Make changes to existing profiles in the class

Refreshing profiles for SETROPTS RACLIST processing for a RACF® resource class ensures that the most current copy of a profile resides in storage and is available for RACF authorization checking.

To refresh profiles for SETROPTS RACLIST processing for the MGMTCLAS or STORCLAS resource classes, issue the SETROPTS command with the RACLIST and REFRESH operands and specify the appropriate RACF resource class names. The following command refreshes profiles for SETROPTS RACLIST processing for both MGMTCLAS and STORCLAS:

For more information, see Refreshing profiles for SETROPTS RACLIST processing.