Example 5

       TITLE('Yearly Branch Phone Call Counts')-
       HEADER('Phone Number') ON(7,10,ZD,E'(999)-999-9999')-
       HEADER('Calls') ON(VALCNT,A1,N05)-
       INDENT(5) BETWEEN(10)
Prints, in the CALLRPT data set:
  • A title line containing the date (without separators) and the specified title.
  • A heading line containing the specified underlined headings.
  • A data line for each unique ON(7,10,ZD) value containing:
    • The zoned decimal value from positions 7-16 of the BRANCH data set printed as (ddd)-ddd-dddd according to the E'pattern' formatting item.
    • The count of occurences of this value printed as dd,ddd according to the A1 and N05 formatting items.

The report is indented by five blanks as specified by the INDENT(5) operand, and ten blanks appear between the columns as specified by the BETWEEN(10) operand.

The CALLRPT output starts on a new page and looks as follows:

      20020316       Yearly Branch Phone Call Counts

        Phone Number            Calls
      --------------          -------
      (037)-325-1807            3,125
      (216)-721-5530            2,087
      (218)-062-7214              872