Decimal number format

The format for coding a decimal constant is:


When an FI field is compared with a decimal constant, n or +n cannot be larger than +9223372036854775807 and -n cannot be smaller than -9223372036854775808.

When a BI field is compared with a decimal constant, n or +n cannot be larger than +18446744073709551615 nor smaller than +0. A BI field cannot be compared to a negative number (-n). A BI field cannot be compared to -0 even if NOSZERO is in effect.

Examples of valid and invalid decimal constants are:

Table 1. Valid and Invalid Decimal Constants
Valid Invalid Explanation
15 ++15 Too many sign characters
+15 15+ Sign in wrong place
-15 1.5 Contains invalid character
18000000 1,500 Contains invalid character