Action codes

DFSORT sets one of five action codes before a call to the EFS program:
Indicates Major Call 1 to the EFS program. DFSORT sends this action code once.
Indicates Major Call 2 to the EFS program. DFSORT might send this action code several times at Major Call 2 depending on how many control statements are requested and found. For example, if the SORT, MERGE, and INCLUDE control statements are all supplied in SYSIN and are requested, the EFS program is called twice: once for the SORT control statement (because SORT and MERGE are mutually exclusive, and assuming the SORT statement is specified first, only the SORT statement is taken) and once for the INCLUDE control statement.
Indicates Major Call 3 to the EFS program. DFSORT can send this action code once for the Blockset technique and once for the Peerage/Vale technique.
Indicates Major Call 4 to the EFS program. DFSORT sends this action code once.
Indicates Major Call 5 to the EFS program. DFSORT sends this action code once.