MVS UNITNAME Definitions

MVS™ UNITNAMEs must be defined for all library device groups.Figure 1 shows the UNITNAMEs defined for the library device groups in the configuration example. Note the following:
  • The complex-wide name, LDGW3495, includes all devices in all libraries, regardless of the device type and model of the library.
  • The library-specific names, LDG123DE and LDG123DF, include devices from their respective libraries.
  • The complex-wide device names, LDG3490 or LDG3490E, include all devices of the same type, in all libraries.
  • The library-specific device names, LDD123DF, LDE123DF, and LDE123DE include all devices of the same type within their respective libraries.
Figure 1. MVS UNITNAMEs defined for the configuration example
MVS UNITNAMEs defined for the configuration example