Storage definitions

TCP/IP uses several types of storage.
common storage
Common storage is shared across the whole system and can be accessed from any address space. Common storage is managed by the Virtual Storage Management component of the z/OS® operating system. TCP/IP's usage of common storage for the most part is for ECSA (extended common service area).
private storage
Private storage is storage that is unique to an address space. Private storage is also referred to as pool storage.
Communication Storage Manager (CSM) enables TCP/IP, VTAM®, and other applications to use CSM buffers to reduce data movement. CSM interfaces with the z/OS operating system to provide the storage buffers. Buffers are maintained in both common storage and in the CSM data spaces. The application (for example TCP/IP) has the option of requesting the buffers from common storage or the CSM data spaces. The storage is managed in pools of the following predefined buffer sizes:
  • 4 KB
  • 16 KB
  • 32 KB
  • 60 KB
  • 180 KB

See z/OS Communications Server: CSM Guide for additional information relating to the CSM component.