Single-byte character (SBCS) support

Data conversion occurs for single-byte data on the data connection when ENCODING=SBCS is in effect and the data type is ASCII. For more information, see the FTP.DATA statement ENCODING and the LOCSITE ENCODING subcommand in the z/OS Communications Server: IP User's Guide and Commands.

If you choose SBDATACONN as a statement in the FTP.DATA file or with the LOCSITE SBDATACONN subcommand, the FTP client builds a translation table using the code pages specified by SBDATACONN. If you receive the following message from the LOCSITE subcommand, start the trace with the DEBUG UTL option to determine which characters cannot be translated:
Some characters cannot be translated between codepage_1 and codepage_2.
If none of the untranslatable characters appear in your data, your data transfers are not affected. If an untranslatable character is present in the data you are trying to transfer, your data transfer fails and you receive the following message:
Transfer failed because data cannot be translated.
To avoid the failure, specify a substitution character to replace non-translatable characters. For more information about how to specify character substitution, see SBSUB and SBSUBCHAR as FTP.DATA statements and as parameters on the LOCSITE subcommand in z/OS Communications Server: IP User's Guide and Commands. If substitution occurs during the transfer, you receive the following message:
One or more characters were substituted during the transfer.

When substitution occurs at the destination of a data transfer, a subsequent transfer of the resulting data does not produce an exact copy of the original. For example, if you get a file from the server and one or more characters are substituted, the untranslatable characters are overlaid with the substitution character. You cannot restore the original file by putting it to the server.