
If no parameters are specified, all TCP control blocks are summarized.
An asterisk is used as a placeholder if no variable parameters are specified.
Any one of the following variable parameters.
You can repeat from 1 - 32 of the following variable parameters, each separated by a blank space, within parentheses:
Variable parameters are:
Displays only the TCBs with this job name. The job name can be a TCP/IP application name or a stack name. A job name is 1–8 alphanumeric characters.
Displays only the TCB with this address. An address is specified as 1-8 hexadecimal digits. An IPCS symbol name can be specified for an address. If an address begins with digit a–f or A–F, prefix the address with a zero to avoid the address being interpreted as a symbol name or as a character string.
Displays the TCB with this connection ID. A connection ID is specified as 1-8 hexadecimal digits.
In addition to the variable parameters described above, you can specify the following keyword parameters:
Formats TCBs which have data queued on the SEND or RECEIVE queue.
Formats the MTCB contents and lists all the TCBs in one cross-reference table. SUMMARY is the default.
In addition to the SUMMARY display, DETAIL formats the contents of the TCBs.
See Parameters for a description of these parameters.
Rule: If you specify multiple keywords from the set {SUMMARY, DETAIL}, only the last one is used.