Back virtual storage with sufficient real and auxiliary storage


As you exploit additional virtual storage by defining additional address spaces or by exploiting memory objects, ensure that you have defined sufficient real and auxiliary storage.

Table 1 provides more details about this migration action. Use this information to plan your changes to the system.

Table 1. Information about this migration action
Element or feature: Multiple.
When change was introduced: General migration action not tied to a specific release.
Applies to migration from: z/OS V2R1 and z/OS V1R13.
Timing: Before the first IPL of z/OS V2R2.
Is the migration action required? Yes.
Target system hardware requirements: None.
Target system software requirements: None.
Other system (coexistence or fallback) requirements: None.
Restrictions: None.
System impacts: None.
Related IBM® Health Checker for z/OS® check: None.

Steps to take

Using an RMF™ report, determine whether additional real or auxiliary storage is needed by checking the following real storage concentration indicators:
  • UIC and average available frames
  • Demand page rates
  • Percentage of auxiliary slots in use

Reference information

For more information about memory objects, see the following references: