IBM Health Checker for z/OS System REXX Functions

IBM® Health Checker for z/OS® includes the following System REXX functions:
  • HZSLSTRT function - The REXX check exec invokes HZSLSTRT to notify IBM Health Checker for z/OS it is running. This call initializes multiple variables defined in the HZSPQE macro.
  • HZSLFMSG function - The REXX check invokes HZSLFMSG to issue messages.
  • HZSLSTOP function - The REXX check invokes HZSLSTOP to notify IBM Health Checker for z/OS of check completion. This request will save the user work area, HZS_PQE_ChkWork.
  • HZSLPDRD function - The REXX persistent data read function for the check. This is the interface to the assembler HZSPREAD macro.
  • HZSLPDWR function - The REXX persistent data write function for the check. This is the interface to the assembler HZSPWRIT macro.