Using REXXOUT data sets

Both TSO environment (REXXTSO(YES)) and non-TSO (REXXTSO(NO)) environment REXX checks can use REXXOUT data sets to diagnose REXX check problems. The REXXOUT data set is provided when the check is in debug mode and is intended to capture data used to debug the check. When a REXXOUT data set is provided, System REXX writes data to the REXXOUT data set every time:
  • You code the SAY or TRACE keyword in your REXX exec. For example, if your REXX check finds an error in parameters or when issuing a message (HZSLFMSG function), you might want to capture data such as HZSLFMSG return and reason codes, system diagnostic information, abend reason codes and details of user errors.
  • When your REXX check receives a TSO error message
  • When your REXX check receives a System REXX message
If your REXX check is not running in debug mode, this output is lost. To place a REXX check in DEBUG mode, use the following command example:
F hzsproc,UPDATE,CHECK=(checkowner,checkname),DEBUG=ON
From SDSF, you can also place a REXX check in debug mode by over-typing the DEBUG field to ON.

REXX check exception, information, and report messages are written to the message buffer rather than the REXXOUT data set.

The system will allocate the REXXOUT data set for you based on the naming conventions for your environment, if it is not already allocated when the REXX check runs. However, you must ensure that IBM® Health Checker for z/OS® address space has the authority to allocate the data set. If the system cannot exclusively allocate or use the REXXOUT data set, the REXX check will not run successfully.