Decide what release your check will run on

The release your check will run on determines a couple of things about how you define your messages, particularly the message list, in the message table. So you must determine in advance whether:
  • If your check runs only on z/OS® V1R10 or higher level systems, and you want to use function that apply only to z/OS V1R10 systems or higher (see Message list tag - <msglist> for R8 enhancments), specify your message list with a rules level of 3. Note that rules level 3 includes all the function of rules level 2.
    <msglist xreftext="csectname rules=3"> 
  • If your check runs only on z/OS V1R8 or higher level systems, and you want to use function that apply only to z/OS V1R8 systems or higher (see Message list tag - <msglist> for R8 enhancments), specify your message list with a rules level of 2:
    <msglist xreftext="csectname rules=2"> 
  • If your check will run on z/OS V1R7 or lower level systems, you must specify a rules level of:
    <msglist xreftext="csectname rules=1"> 
    You can also use a rules level of 1 on a z/OS V1R8 or higher system, as long as you do not use V1R8 enhancements in your message list.
See Message list tag - <msglist> for complete information.