Message number tag - <msgnum>

<msgnum xreftext="msgnumber">ccccHmmmms</msgnum>
The message is identified in two ways on the <msgnum> tag - both inputs are required for all messages:
messagenumber is the decimal value used in the HZSFMSG macro to uniquely identify the message. messagenumber is a decimal value between 1 and 2147483647. The messagenumber you define will be reflected in the MGB_MessageNumber field in the HZSMGB data area.
The text value that appears as the message identifier. In the message identifier:
cccc is the component identifier, such as ISG for global resource serialization. The required H represents IBM® Health Checker for z/OS®.
The message number. For example, in message identifier ISGH101E, 101 is the message number.
The severity code for the message. s is one of the following:
  • For an exception message, use E.
  • For information and debug messages, use I.
  • For report messages, you can use any suffix you like, or no suffix at all - users will not see these message numbers unless they're running IBM Health Checker for z/OS in debug mode and viewing the message buffer with SDSF. Because report messages do not display with a message number, a report message with a line of report data should be preceded by an information message with the report title and the explanation for the report.