Output variables

The following REXX variable are returned by HZSLSTOP:
Table 1. HZSLSTOP output variables
Variable name Description
HZSLSTOP_RSN The reason code explaining an RESULT value of 4 or more. The reason codes are as follows:
Meaning: HZS_PQE_CHKWORK exceeded 2048 bytes. Only the first 2048 bytes of HZS_PQE_CHKWORK will be saved.

Action: Do not set HZS_PQE_CHKWORK to a character string longer the 2048 characters.

Meaning: HZS_HANDLE was not valid.

Action: Make sure that the HZSLSTOP service is only called from a REXX exec called by IBM® Health Checker for z/OS®. The check must not modify output variable HZS_HANDLE. If this function is used within a procedure, make sure you used the EXPOSE option to make HZS_HANDLE accessible to the procedure code

Meaning: IBM Health Checker for z/OS is not active.

Action: Reissue the function when IBM Health Checker for z/OS is active.

Meaning: The check issued the HZSLSTOP function for a check that was not started.

Action: Ensure that an HZSLSTART function is issued before a HZSLFMSG or HZSLSTOP function.

Meaning: The system does not support System REXX checks.

Action: Run the check on a system at the z/OS R9 level or above.

Meaning: The HZSLSTOP function has been invoked by a non-SYSREXX caller.

Action: Ensure that HZSLSTOP is only called from a REXX health check routine.

Meaning: A service used by HZSLSTOP failed.

Action: Retry the service. If HZSLSTOP continues to fail, obtain the value of the REXX variable HZSLSTOP_SYSTEMDIAG, and contact IBM service.

HZSLSTOP_SYSTEMDIAG Diagnostic data returned by the failed service that HZSLSTRT uses.