Example 2

  • Retrieve the peristent data stored from the previous IPL.
The code is as follows.
* Retrieve previous IPL persistent data                     *
         SYSSTATE ARCHLVL=2                                  
         LHI   2,L'thebuff     Length to read                
         ST    2,thelen                                      
         SLR   2,2             Value of 0                    
         ST    2,startbyte     Start at byte 0               
         HZSPREAD CHECKOWNER=cowner,CHECKNAME=cname,        *
               IPL=PRIOR,INSTANCE=FIRST,                    *
               STARTBYTE=startbyte,                         *
               BUFFER=thebuff,DATALEN=thelen,               *
               BYTESAVAIL=avail,                            *
               RETCODE=LRETCODE,RSNCODE=LRSNCODE,           *
* Place code to check return/reason codes here               
* Place code to process the output buffer here               
cowner   DC   CL16'MY_CHECK_OWNER'                           
cname    DC   CL32'MY_CHECK_NAME'                            
         LTORG ,                                             
         HZSZCONS ,            Return code information       
DYNAREA  DSECT                                               
thelen   DS   F                Length of output buffer       
avail    DS   F                Available bytes               
startbyte DS  F                Starting byte position        
LRETCODE DS   F                                              
LRSNCODE DS   F                                              
         HZSPREAD MF=(L,PREADL),PLISTVER=MAX                 
         DS   0D                                             
thebuff  DS   16384X           Output buffer