Debug message example

The following example shows a debug message text as it would appear in SDSF output when the system is running in debug mode - a debug message only appears when you are running in debug mode. (See Debugging checks for how to turn on debug mode.)

HZS1098I   CHECK(IBMSDUMP,SDUMP_AUTO_ALLOCATION)                             
HZS1090I   START TIME: 06/01/2005 13:46:28.025111                            
HZS1095I   CHECK DATE: 20050118  CHECK SEVERITY: MEDIUM                      
IEAH700I   IEAH700I Build level 2005.045 15:49:09.60 FC=       2 EC=       2 

Note that if you look at the debug message in the message buffer or with the print command, you will not see the message number on every line.

The following example shows how we coded the debug message:
<msglist xreftext="csectname" rules="1">
<msg class=debug>                                                               
<msgnum xreftext=700>IEAH700I</msgnum>                                          
<msgitem class="explanation"><p>Checker debug information.</p>                    
<msgitem class="sysact"><p>n/a</p>                                              
<msgitem class="oresp"><p>n/a</p>                                               
<msgitem class="spresp"><p>n/a</p>                                              
<msgitem class="probd"><p>n/a</p>                                               
<msgitem class="source"><p>SDUMP (SCDMP)</p>                                    
<msgitem class="refdoc"><p>n/a</p>                                              
<msgitem class="automation"><p>n/a</p>                                          
<msgitem class="module"><p>IEAVTSHG</p>                                         
<msgitem class="rcode"><p>n/a</p>                                               
<msgitem class="dcode"><p>n/a</p>                                               