SSI function codes

Table 1 lists the new and changed JES3 function codes. See z/OS MVS Using the Subsystem Interface for more information.

Table 1. Summary of new and changed JES3 Function Codes
SSI Function Code Release Description Reason for change
Start of change79End of change Start of changez/OS® V2R2End of change Start of changeChanged SSI function codes: Description, SAPI disposition in SSS2, Input-only fields, and output-only fields updated.End of change Start of changeOUTDISP support.End of change
Start of change80End of change Start of changez/OS V2R2End of change Start of changeChanged SSI function code: Input fields, job queue element sections, and SYSOUT information elements.End of change Start of changeOUTDISP support.End of change
82 z/OS V2R1 Changed SSI function code: Job class fields updated. Job class and job class group updates.
80 z/OS V2R1 Changed SSI function code: STAT, STTR, STJQ, STSC, STVB, STVO new and changed fields. Element updates for 64 bit support. Job execution support.
71 z/OS V2R1 Changed SSI function code: Checkpoint version fields updated. Checkpoint version support.
54 z/OS V2R1 Changed SSI function code: SSVISLVL field updated. Service level field updates.
1 z/OS V2R1 Changed SSI function code: SSOUFLG field updated. User selection flags updates.
82 z/OS V1R13 Changed SSI function code: Parameters descriptions are updated. Descriptions updated
83 z/OS V1R13 Changed SSI function code: Fields and descriptions added. JES device information services