Identifying driving system software requirements for installing subsystems

The driving system software required to install subsystems (DB2®, CICS®, IMS™, NCP, and WebSphere® Application Server) using ServerPac is the same as the software in Identifying driving system software requirements for installing z/OS using ServerPac or dump-by-data-set SystemPac.

To use a z/OS® release as the driving system for installing subsystems, you might need to apply PTFs to the prior release of the subsystem. For SMP/E PTFs, see Apply coexistence and fallback PTFs in z/OS Migration. For subsystem PTFs, see the subsystem program directories. Additionally, review the subsystem PSP buckets for any updates. For ServerPac, the upgrade is ZOSV2R2 and the subset is SERVERPAC. For SystemPac dump-by-data-set orders, the upgrade is CUSTOMPAC and the subset is SYSPAC/DBD.