Choosing IBM products that you want to run with z/OS

For a list of products available for ordering with z/OS®, you can do either of the following:
If you are migrating to z/OS V2R2 from a prior release:
  • You can find out which products have new levels by using Shopz or by using the SMP/E base element's Planning and Migration Assistant. Both tools use data found on your system as well as the latest IBM® software product catalog.
  • You can expect that products that run on your prior z/OS release will also run on z/OS V2R2, at the same product release levels, unless information is provided to the contrary in IBM announcement letters or in Software requirements for running z/OS V2R2. To find out the levels of products that you currently have on your system, you can use the SMP/E Planning and Migration Assistant. Be sure that the products you are running will be service supported in the timeframe you are considering using them. You can find service support dates in the software descriptions (sales manual) at the IBM Offering Information Web site: