Choosing names

The first step in preparing to make a copy of your system is choosing new names. You must choose new names for:
  • The new DASD volumes that will be the target of the copy:
    • The IPL volume (TVOL1)
    • The second and any other target library volumes (TVOL2-n)
    • The HFS or zFS volume
    • The DLIB volumes, if you are also copying the distribution libraries

    Choose names that allow you to define system symbols for each target volume based on the name of the IPL volume. For example, the name for TVOL1 might be OS260 and the name for TVOL2 might be OS260X, using the scheme OSrrr for TVOL1 and OSrrrX for TVOL2, where rrr is a level identifier and the system symbols are &SYSR2.='&SYSR1(1:5).X'.

  • User catalogs to manage the VSAM files, HFS files, zFS files, and DLIB data sets. These catalogs are:
    • One for the second target library volume (TVOL2), to own the target zone CSI data set and any MMS-compiled VSAM files
    • One for the HFS or zFS volume, to own the HFS or zFS data sets
    • One for the first DLIB volume, to catalog the distribution libraries.

    Choose names using a convention that avoids having two catalogs with the same name in the same catalog environment at the same time. IBM® recommends that you choose a naming convention based on the volume serial of a TVOLn volume. You should pick one or more installation-wide high-level qualifiers and reserve them for catalog naming. This prevents catalog names from conflicting with any existing alias entry names. One example of such a convention is USERCAT.volser. In this example, the high-level qualifier USERCAT is reserved for naming catalogs.

  • The SMP/E CSI data sets and SMP/E zones:
    • Target zone CSI data set
    • DLIB zone CSI data set
    • Target zone
    • DLIB zone

    You should choose the CSI data set names using different high-level qualifiers because they will be cataloged in different catalogs. You must pick currently-unused high-level qualifiers to be able to define them as aliases in the newly defined user catalog. IBM recommends that you choose a high-level qualifier for CSI data set names based on the volume serial of a TVOLn volume. For example, you might use OS26TZ.CSI as the name of a target zone CSI data set.

  • MMS data sets.

    If you use MMS data sets, you should choose their names using different high-level qualifiers because they will be cataloged in different catalogs. You must pick currently-unused high-level qualifiers to be able to define them as aliases and access the MMS data sets. The high-level qualifier you choose can be defined as a system symbol to avoid other parmlib changes.

    IBM recommends that you choose a high-level qualifier for MMS data sets that is derived from the volume serial of a TVOLn volume. If you do, you will be able to define a single symbol for all MMS data sets in the z/OS® product set that will not need to be updated in the future. For example, if:
    • the MMS data sets are placed on TVOL2
    • and the name of TVOL2 is derived from the name of TVOL1 (by defining a system symbol for TVOL2 based on a substring of the system-supplied symbol for the IPL volume label)
    • and you choose a high-level qualifier based on the name of TVOL2 for the MMS data sets

    then you can define a system symbol based on the name of TVOL2 in an IEASYMxx member of parmlib. This symbol would be resolved to the high-level qualifier you used, and could be used as part of the data set name in an MMSLSTxx member of parmlib to allocate the MMS data sets associated with the IPL volume.

  • HFS or zFS data sets.

    HFS and zFS data sets can be optionally SMS-managed. They must be cataloged and their names must be unique within the file system structure in order to be mounted. In the IBM cloning samples, the HFS and zFS data sets are SMS-managed.

  • Distribution libraries.

    You can choose to use volume serials on the DLIB zone DDDEFs, or to name the data sets differently and locate them through the user catalog on the first DLIB volume. If you choose to locate them by name using the catalog, you must rename them using a new high-level qualifier.