Changes in z/OS® V2R1 updates for September 2014

z/OS V2R1 as updated for September 2014.

HTTP Secure (HTTP using Secure Sockets Layer or HTTPS) for software product and service orders: The capability to download Internet orders using HTTPS for the Product Customized Offerings (CBPDO, ServerPac, and SystemPac), for Shopz service orders, and for SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER is provided. The Shopz download pages provide the option to download directly to your z/OS host system using HTTPS. The CustomPac installation dialog will allow you to specify which download method to use, prompt for the appropriate information, and create the RECEIVE job accordingly. Secure delivery through HTTPS was made available October 19, 2014.

Changes to driving system requirements: To download your order using HTTP Secure (HTTP using Secure Sockets Layer or HTTPS) directly to your z/OS host system, you will need:
  • SMP/E V3.6 with PTFs UO01693 (Base) and UO01695 (Japanese) or higher
  • CustomPac Installation Dialog level 26.20.00 or higher
  • A keyring with the CA (Certificate Authority) certificate used by the IBM download server enabled, or use the Java keystore file
  • Appropriate HTTPS proxy or SOCKS proxy options, if required for your environment