Choosing the delivery medium: tape, DVD, or Internet

You can have products delivered to you on tape, DVD, or electronically using the Internet:
  • Tape is the original delivery medium and can be used for all products, that is, z/OS® and products that run on z/OS. Your order is placed and processed through Shopz, or any of the other ordering methods, as either an IBM® 3590 or IBM 3592 tape media order. The tapes will include a bar code on the side label to facilitate use in automated tape libraries. The program directories, SystemPac Installation Guide, ServerPac: Installing Your Order, and CBPDO Memo to Users Extension will be delivered on a separate DVD media (in PDF format) along with the tape media.
  • DVD, like tape and the Internet, can be used for all products; that is, z/OS and products that run on z/OS . Choosing DVD delivery reduces the size of shipments to you and eliminates the need to introduce foreign tapes into your site. Your order is placed and processed through Shopz as a DVD (4.7 GB single-sided, single-layered) media order. To upload your DVD order, you will need a DVD reader and a workstation that is network-attached to your z/OS host system.
  • Internet delivery, like tape and DVD, can be used for all products, that is, z/OS and products that run on z/OS. You must place the order using Shopz. You can install the order using ServerPac, CBPDO, or SystemPac. Shopz generates a customized download page for each order; the page includes order content and instructions. Support to install Internet orders has been added to the CustomPac Installation Dialog and CBPDO installation process.

A typical z/OS-only ServerPac or SystemPac order is approximately 6 GB (compressed) in size. A typical SystemPac order with multiple SRELs is approximately 9 GB (compressed) in size. A typical subsystem ServerPac or SystemPac order is approximately 500 MB (compressed) in size.

If you choose Internet delivery, you can estimate how long a download will take for a specific order by using the download speed table at the Download Support Web site.