CBPDO (entitled with z/OS)

CBPDO (Custom-Built Product Delivery Option) is an entitled software delivery package consisting of uninstalled products and unintegrated service. There is no dialog program to help you install it, as there is with ServerPac. You must use SMP/E to install the individual z/OS® elements and features, and their service, before you can IPL. For installation instructions, see z/OS V2R2 Program Directory.

z/OS and all products that run on z/OS are available by way of CBPDO.

When enhancements are provided as features of a release, subsequent to the general availability of the release, the enhancements are available by themselves in CBPDO. There is no need to reorder and reinstall all of z/OS. In addition, the enhancements are available for Internet delivery in CBPDO when ordered using Shopz. This support provides a quick and easy way for you to order and receive these post-release features.

For products other than z/OS itself, CBPDO is useful to upgrade an existing product, or add a new product to an existing SMP/E environment. By contrast, the Product ServerPac is useful when creating a new SMP/E environment.