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GRS EQDQ Monitor support and QScan enhancements

Description: With the introduction of GRS SMF 87 Monitoring for ENQs and DEQs, Global Resource Serialization (GRS) now has an option for monitoring ENQ and DEQ requests that produces less overhead than the ISGAUDIT EQDQ monitor. GRS now has its own SMF record type, 87, which was introduced in D-type APAR OA42221 to record generic, global QScans. Further granularity of both ENQ/DEQ and QScan SMF 87 monitoring is provided through new parmlib member GRSMONxx, and the monitoring of STEP level resources, a functionality that was lost with ISGAUDIT, has returned. Incremental performance benefits are realized for Star mode Global Queue Scans (GQSCAN and ISGQUERY macros).

When change was introduced: z/OS® V2R2.

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