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JES2 adds step completion code

JES2 adds a step completion code and records data in the EVENTLOG data set.

JES2 adds a step completion code to enable applications to access information about the return codes of every job step. To do so JES2 added a new internal data set that contains information about the execution of each step that is associated with a job. To ease access for an application developer or the installation to extract the SMF records for a job, JES2 provides the data set and recording capabilities along with the ability to suppress SMF data in the EVENTLOG data set.
To control the volume of data collection, commands $D JOBDEF and $T JOBDEF support a new parameter SUP_EVENTLOG_SMF that indicates whether EVENTLOG SMF data can be suppressed. SUP_EVENTLOG_SMF defaults to NO.
When change was introduced:
z/OS® V2R2.
Reference information:
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