GDDM-PGF (Presentation Graphics Facility), a set of programs for creating presentation material in a variety of styles, provides:

Interactive Chart Utility
The Interactive Chart Utility (ICU), an easy-to-use end-user program for creating business charts.
Vector Symbol Editor
The (VSE), a means of creating and modifying symbols for use with the ICU or other GDDM functions.
An application programming interface
An application programming interface that enables programs to call either the ICU or a set of presentation-graphics routines for chart creation.
Online Presentation Services (OPS)
GDDM-PGF now incorporates an enhanced presentation-producing capability, Online Presentation Services (OPS). GDDM-OPS provides a command interface, which is simple and easy to use, yet which is also powerful enough to allow the very concise creation of high-quality presentations. These can then be used from displays (perhaps using the built-in automatic scrolling feature), or can be saved for printing or plotting.
Typical applications of GDDM-OPS are:
  • Public presentations using a video monitor or projector
  • Educational sessions for private or public display
  • Scrollable interactive presentations of business charts
  • Production of high-quality foils.