DFSMSrmm enhancements for z/OS V2R1

The functional enhancements available with z/OS® V21R1 DFSMSrmm provide you with these benefits:
  • DFSMSrmm operational enhancements
    • Retain data sets based on the number of days since they were last referenced: Data sets managed by the EXPDT retention method can be retained or expired based on the number of days since the data set was last referenced. A new LastReferenceDays attribute is added to the data set record as a binary number. The value is taken from the new LASTREF suboperand of the DFSMSrmm parmlib OPTION RM(EXPDT) operand

      If the volume set is retained by SET or VOLUME the LastReferenceDays data set attribute will be kept equal for all files of a multi-volume data set. The latest LastReferenceDays update to a single file in a multivolume data set is propagated to all files that belong to the same multi-volume data set. However, for volume set retained by FIRSTFILE the LastReferenceDays data set attribute will be set but not equalized across the multi-volume data set because the expiration date depends only of the first file of the first volume, and its LastReferenceDays.

      The LastReferenceDays value can be:
      • Set by the ADDATASET subcommand when the data set record is created
      • Changed by the CHANGEDATASET subcommand any time after the data set record has been created.
    • EXPDT retention method now allows retention to be based on a single volume or volume set, or on a controlling first file: You now have the option of retaining volumes with the EXPDT retention method based on a single volume or volume set, or on a controlling first file. The parmlib OPTION RM(EXPDT(RETAINBY(VOLUME/SET/FIRSTFILE))) can specify:
      DFSMSrmm expires volumes in a multi volume set at the volume level. Each volume has its own expiration date. RETAINBY(VOLUME) is the default value.
      DFSMSrmm expires volumes in a multi volume set at the volume set level. All volumes in the set have the same expiration date, which is the maximal expiration date of all volumes (except if changed by the CV command).
      DFSMSrmm expires volumes in a multi volume set at the volume set level. All volumes in the set have the same expiration date, which is the expiration date of the first file in the volume set (here a single volume is treated as a volume set with only one volume in it).
      You can also set the RETAINBY for a specific volume set by subcommand.
      Note: These new options apply only to the EXPDT retention method, not to the VRSEL expiration method. The processing of volume sets managed by the VRSEL retention method is unchanged.
    • DFSMS Management Class attributes: You can now set the expiration date in DFSMSrmm for a tape data set with a DFSMS Management Class (MC). When you enable use of MC attributes by DFSMSrmm, the MC expiration attributes (except the MC Expiration attribute Retention limit) are retrieved by DFSMSrmm during OPEN for output and used to set the expiration date for the tape data set, and also to set the LASTREF extra days in the tape data set record on retention method EXPDT managed volumes. Regardless of whether the expiration attributes are retrieved from MC, from a DFSMSrmm default parmlib option or from an installation exit, an expiration date is calculated and will be used to manage expiration. Any attributes needed to continue management of retention, such as ‘days non-usage’ are bound to the data set record in the DFSMSrmm CDS, depending on the retention method. This is a one-time action, thus avoiding any overhead of repeating the policy decisions as part of inventory management. At OPEN for input the MC attributes are not considered for processing. At OPEN for output with Disposition MOD the MC attributes are not considered for processing. The enablement in DFSMSrmm provides options to use or not use these MC attributes for all volumes, and it provides an option for VRSEL managed volumes to exclude the MC attribute ‘Expire after Date/Days‘. This last option is recommended if it is desired that the processing of VRSEL managed volumes not change with DFSMSrmm V2R1.
      The Management Class expiration attributes processed by DFSMSrmm are:
      • Expire after days Non-usage, which is equivalent to LASTREF extra days
      • Expire after Date/Days, which is equivalent to expiration date / retention period.
  • Web page for DFSMSrmm conversion support: Information on migrating to DFSMSrmm from other products, former found in the EDGCMM01 documentation member of SYS1.SAMPLIB, has been updated and moved the Z/OS web site designated for “as-is” downloads (http://www.ibm.com/systems/z/os/zos/downloads/#asis), as a zipped sequential XMIT file of a PDS.