DFSMSdss enhancements for z/OS V2R1

z/OS® V2R1 introduces the following enhancements for DFSMSdss:
  • A RESET keyword has been added to the RESTORE FULL and RESTORE TRACKS commands. It specifies whether the data-set-changed indicator is reset for the data sets on the volume being restored. You can protect the use of RESET with the RESTORE command. In addition, you can now protect the use of RESET with the DUMP command.
  • A DEBUG(SMSMSG) option has been added to the CONVERTV command, the COPY command for logical and physical data sets and the RESTORE command for logical and physical data sets. It instructs DFSMSdss to include ACS WRITE statements in the job output.
  • The FCCGVERIFY keyword on the CGCREATED command now accepts multiple volume serials.
  • The REPLACEUNCONDITIONAL keyword on the RESTORE command now works for physical data sets.
  • The RENAMEUNCONDITIONAL keyword on the RESTORE command, which previously worked only on non-VSAM physical data sets, will now work on VSAM physical data sets, as well.