CEEPDEL2 — enclave level delete service

The CEEPDEL2 CWI will delete a module that was requested by the CEEPLOD2 load service. The use count is decremented and, when it reaches zero, the module is deleted from virtual storage. It should be noted that calling a deleted entry point is an error and causes unpredictable results.


void CEEPDEL2 (token, [fc])
INT4        *token;
FEED_BACK   *fc;
Call this CWI interface as follows:
L       R15,CEECAACELV-CEECAA(,R12)       CAA address is in R12
L       R15,3952(,R15)
BALR    R14,R15
token (input)
A 32-bit field of information that is returned from the load request.
fc (output/optional)
Specifies the optional feedback token where the CWI feedback code will be placed. If this argument is omitted and the CWI will return a feedback code other than CEE000, the CWI will "raise" this feedback code as an error condition. The following message identifiers and associated severities may be returned by the service in the feedback code fc.
CEE000 Severity 0
Msg_No 0000
Message The service completed successfully.
CEE516 Severity 3
Msg_No 5158
Message The z/OS UNIX callable service, BPX1DEL was unsuccessful. The system return code was [return_code], the reason code was [reason_code].

When the message identifier is CEE516, the following qualifier data is also displayed

No. Name Input/ Output Type Value
1 parm_count Input INT4 3
2 return_code Input INT4 return code from kernel, BPX1DEL function
codes defined by z/OS UNIX
3 reason_code Input INT4 reason code from kernel, BPX1LOD function
codes defined by z/OS UNIX