CEEPCB_LOAD — system dependent load service

The system dependent load service is either a load service for MVS™, CICS® or a load service provided by the user service routines in a pre-initialized environment.


void CEEPCB_LOAD (name_addr, name_length, user_word, load_point, entry_point, module_size, return_code, reason_code)
POINTER     *name_addr;
INT4        *name_length;
INT4        *user_word;
POINTER     *load_point;
POINTER     *entry_point;
INT4        *module_size;
INT4        *return_code;
INT4        *reason_code;
Call this CWI interface as follows:
L       R15,296(,R15)   System dependent load
BALR    R14,R15
name_addr (input)
Fullword Address of the name of module to load.
name_length (input)
Fixed Binary(31) length of module name.
user_word (input)
A fullword user field.
load_point (input/output)
Fullword address to load point address of the loaded routine. If zero on output, then load point address was not available.
entry_point (output)
Fullword entry point address of the loaded routine.
module_size (output)
Fixed Binary(31) size of module that was loaded.
return code (output)
Fullword return code from load.
reason code (output)
Fullword reason code from load. The return and reason codes have the following values:
Return Code Reason Code Meaning
0 0 Successful
0 12 Successful; loaded via SVC 8
4 4 Unsuccessful; module loaded above the 16 megabyte line when in AMODE(24)
8 4 Unsuccessful; load failed
16 4 Unsuccessful; uncorrectable error occurred