Structure of the Language Environment interface validation exit

The Language Environment interface validation exit is a load module in SCEELKED with the name CEEPINTV. (This load module is shipped in SCEELKED rather than in SCEERUN because it's actions apply to names that are in a specific level of SCEELKED rather than to anything in a specific level of SCEERUN. The renaming actions do not apply to execution of the application or to any changes that occur in SCEERUN from release to release of Language Environment.) It invokes one or more language-specific interface validation routines (see Language-specific interface validation exit).

The load module CEEPINTV contains these separately assembled routines:
This routine receives control from the binder, screens for possible renaming actions based on IDR information, and passes control to one of several language-specific interface validation exit routines for further analysis. In addition to some fixed code, CEEPINTV contains a series of CEEXVSEL macro instructions indicating that, when certain selection criteria are satisfied, a specific language-specific interface validation exit should be invoked to determine which external names, if any, should be renamed. The macro CEEXVSEL is described in CEEXVSEL — high-level selection criteria.
These language-specific interface validation exit routines receive control from CEEPINTV based on the selection criteria indicated in a CEEXVSEL macro instruction. They determine whether an external reference should be renamed, and, if so, specify the new name. In the naming convention, fff is the component's three-character module prefix (for example, AFH for Fortran or IGZ for COBOL), and n is any digit. The conventions for coding a language-specific interface validation exit, along with the arguments passed to it, are described in Language-specific interface validation exit.
These language-specific interface validation message modules provide the text of messages, if any, that are to be printed by the binder in exceptional cases. For more information about message handling, see Message handling.