CEEARLU — anchor lookup


This routine sets register 12 to the Language Environment anchor. The anchor points to the CAA if Language Environment has been initialized.



Call this CWI interface as follows:
L      R15,=V(CEEARLU)
BALR   R14,R15


  • Upon return, R12 contains the address of the CAA, or zero if Language Environment has not been initialized.
  • R14 and R15 are used as linkage registers. R0 is destroyed across the call. R13 is not used.
  • This routine is meant to be a fast way of retrieving the anchor. The address of the CAA is not validated by this routine.
  • AMODE switching is not performed across this call.
  • For additional information on the anchor lookup, see Anchor support.
  • If the Language Environment environment is not initialized, a value of zero is returned. This routine does not cause the Language Environment environment to be established.
  • It must be linked with the program. It is not meant to be called from an HLL program.