CEE3CDO — check dump options

CEE3CDO validates the options that could be passed to the Language Environment callable service CEE3DMP.


void (*CEECELVKCDO) (options, position, [fc])
VSTRING   *options;
INT4      *position;
Call this CWI interface as follows:
L     R15,CEECAACELV-CEECAA(,R12)   Address of CAA in R12
L     R15,3380(,R15)
BALR  R14,R15
options (input)
A halfword-prefixed character string containing options describing the type, format, and destination of dump information. Options are declared as a string of keywords separated by blanks or commas. Some options have suboptions which follow the option keyword and are contained in parentheses. These are the same options supported by the Language Environment callable service CEE3DMP. For more information, see z/OS Language Environment Programming Guide.
position (output)
A fixed-binary(31) integer that is the index (character offset within the string) where the first option or delimiter that is not valid was discovered. If no errors are discovered, this value is zero.
fc (output/optional)
A 12-byte feedback code passed by reference. If specified as an argument, feedback information (a condition token) is returned to the calling routine. If not specified, and the requested operation was not successfully completed, the condition is signaled to the condition manager. The following symbolic conditions can result from this service; if several simultaneous error conditions occur, the feedback code reflects the last diagnosed condition:
Condition Description type Description value
CEE000 Severity 0
Msg_No N/A
Message The service completed successfully.
CEE314 Severity 2
Msg_No 3108
Message An invalid option, suboption, or delimiter was found.