CEEBSHL — exit from/re-entry to Language Environment shell

CEEBSHL is a CWI routine, which is called just before exit from, and just after re-entry to, Language Environment. This allows the Language Environment to be appropriately altered to accommodate the switch in states from a dormant environment to an active environment and vice versa.


CEEBSHL (function_code)

Call this CWI interface as follows:
L     R15,3968(,R15)
BALR  R14,R15
function_code (input)
Fullword integer set to one of the following values:
Application is exiting Language Environment and wants to put the Language Environment in a dormant state.
Application is re-entering a dormant Language Environment and wants to put the Language Environment in an active state.
Usage Notes:
  1. The Language Environment ESTAE will percolate all abends when the environment is dormant.
  2. The Language Environment ESTAE is enabled to handle abends and program interrupts when the environment is activated.
  3. Calls to CEEINT while the environment is dormant will cause the environment to be activated.