Header, copy, or include files

Many of the programming examples in this section imbed header, copy, or include files. (Whether you call the files header files, copy files, or include files depends on the language you are using.) These files can save you time by providing declarations for symbolic feedback codes and Language Environment callable services that you would otherwise need to code in your program. They can also help you reduce errors by verifying correct usage of Language Environment callable services at compile time.

Table 1 summarizes the names and descriptions of the files imbedded in the callable service examples in this section.

Table 1. Files used in C/C++, COBOL, and PL/I examples
File name Description
ceeedcct.h C declarations for Language Environment symbolic feedback codes
leawi.h Declarations of Language Environment callable services and OMIT_FC, which is used to explicitly omit the fc parm, for routines written in C/C++
CEEIGZCI Declarations for condition information block
CEEIGZCT Declarations for Language Environment symbolic feedback codes
CEEIGZLC Locale category constants LC-ALL, LC-COLLATE, LC-CTYPE, LC-MESSAGES, LC-MONETARY, LC-NUMERIC, LC-TIME, and version_info structure.
CEEIGZTD TD-STRUCT structure needed for CEEFTDS calls
CEEIGZNM NM-STRUCT structure needed for CEELCNV calls
CEEIGZN2 NM-STRUCT structure needed for ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (C99) support of CEELCNV calls
CEEIGZDT DTCONV structure needed for CEEQDTC calls
CEEIGZD2 DTCONV structure needed for C99 support of CEEQDTC calls
CEEIBMAW Language Environment callable service declarations for routines written in PL/I
CEEIBMCI Declarations for condition information block
CEEIBMCT Declarations for Language Environment symbolic feedback codes
CEEIBMLC Locale category constants LC-ALL, LC-COLLATE, LC-CTYPE, LC-MESSAGES, LC-MONETARY, LC-NUMERIC, LC-TIME, and version_info structure.
CEEIBMTD TD-STRUCT structure needed for CEEFTDS calls
CEEIBMNM NM-STRUCT structure needed for CEELCNV calls
CEEIBMN2 NM-STRUCT structure needed for C99 support of CEELCNV calls
CEEIBMDT DTCONV structure needed for CEEQDTC calls
CEEIBMD2 DTCONV structure needed for C99 support of CEEQDTC calls
CEEFORCT Fortran declarations for Language Environment symbolic feedback codes
  1. A symbolic feedback code is a symbolic representation of a condition token.
  2. PL/I routines that imbed CEEIBMAW require the MACRO compiler option.
  3. COBOL does not require declarations of external programs; therefore, you do not need declarations of Language Environment callable services for programs written in COBOL.
  4. CEEIBMxx parts support PL/I applications.
  5. CEEIGZxx parts support COBOL applications.

On z/OS, these files are contained in the Language Environment SCEESAMP partitioned data set, except for leawi.h, which is contained in the SCEEH.H partitioned data set. You can imbed these files using the statement appropriate for the language your routine is written in, as shown in Table 2. Examples of these statements are shown in the following topics on syntax.

Table 2. Imbedding files in your routines
To imbed a file in a… Use statement…
C/C++ routine #include
COBOL program COPY
PL/I routine %include