How to specify runtime options

When specifying runtime options, use commas to separate any suboptions of those options. If you do not specify a suboption, you must still include the comma to indicate the omission of the suboption. For example: STACK(,,ANYWHERE,FREE,,). Trailing commas, however, are not required. STACK(,,ANYWHERE,FREE) is valid. If you do not specify any suboptions, they are ignored. Either of the following is valid: STACK or STACK().

If you run applications that are invoked by one of the exec family of functions, such as a program executed under the z/OS UNIX System Services shell, you can also use the _CEE_RUNOPTS environment variable to specify runtime options.

Refer to z/OS Language Environment Programming Guide for a detailed description of the various ways in which you can specify Language Environment runtime options and program arguments, and use _CEE_RUNOPTS.

Restriction: The double quotes character (") may not be part of the runtime options string for applications running under Turkish code page 1026. Use the single quote character (') instead.