Date and time callable services

Table 1. Date and time callable services
Callable service Function
CEECBLDY Converts a string representing a date to a COBOL integer format. See CEECBLDY—Convert date to COBOL Integer format.
CEEDATE Converts a number representing a Lilian date to a date written in character format. See CEEDATE—Convert Lilian date to character format.
CEEDATM Converts a number representing the number of seconds since 00:00:00 14 October 1582 to character format. See CEEDATM—Convert seconds to character timestamp.
CEEDAYS Converts a string representing a date to a Lilian format. See CEEDAYS—Convert date to Lilian format.
CEEDYWK Calculates the day of the week on which a Lilian date falls. See CEEDYWK—Calculate day of week from Lilian date.
CEEGMT Computes the current Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) as both a Lilian date and as the number of seconds since 00:00:00 14 October 1582. See CEEGMT—Get current Greenwich Mean Time.
CEEGMTO Computes values to the calling routine that represent the difference between the local system time and Greenwich Mean Time. See CEEGMTO—Get offset from Greenwich Mean Time to local time.
CEEISEC Converts separate binary integers representing year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond to a number representing the number of seconds since 00:00:00 14 October 1582. See CEEISEC—Convert integers to seconds.
CEELOCT Gets the current local time in three formats. See CEELOCT—Get current local date or time.
CEEQCEN Queries the century within which Language Environment assumes two-digit year values lie. See CEEQCEN—Query the century window.
CEESCEN Sets the century in which Language Environment assumes two-digit year values lie. See CEESCEN—Set the century window.
CEESECI Converts a number representing the number of seconds since 00:00:00 14 October 1582 to seven separate binary integers representing year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond. See CEESECI—Convert seconds to integers.
CEESECS Converts a string representing a timestamp into a number representing the number of seconds since 00:00:00 14 October 1582. See CEESECS—Convert timestamp to seconds.