Derivation: VeCToR environment to be SAVEd

VCTRSAVE specifies if any language in the application uses the vector facility when user-written condition handlers are called.

The default values for non-CICS applications is VCTRSAVE(OFF).

VCTRSAVE is ignored under CICS®.

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No language in the application uses the vector facility when user-provided condition handlers are called.
A language in the application uses the vector facility when user-provided condition handlers are called.

CICS consideration

VCTRSAVE is ignored under CICS.

z/OS® UNIX considerations

The VCTRSAVE option applies to the entire enclave and all threads within the enclave.

Performance consideration

When a condition handler plans to use the vector facility (that is, run any vector instructions), the entire vector environment must be saved on every condition and restored on return to the application code. You can avoid this extra work by specifying VCTRSAVE(OFF) when you are not running an application under vector hardware.