PLIST (C only)

Derivation: Parameter LIST

PLIST specifies the format of the invocation parameters your C application receives when you invoke it. Although the CICS®, CMS, IMS™, MVS™, and TSO suboptions of PLIST are supported for compatibility, you should use the HOST or OS suboptions of PLIST. Before using this runtime option, you should review the following restrictions:
  • This option does not apply to non-C languages and can be specified only with the C #pragma runopts directive.
  • You cannot set this option at the system level, region level, or in the CEEBXITA assembler user exit interface.

The default value for non-CICS applications is PLIST(HOST).

PLIST is ignored under CICS.

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The parameter list is a character string. The string is located differently under various systems, as follows:
If invoked by OSRUN, use the string presented in an MVS-like format located by the pointer held in R1. If not invoked by OSRUN, use the CMS extended parameter list.
If a command processor parameter list (CPPL) is detected, get the string from the command buffer. If a CPPL is not detected, assume a halfword-prefixed string in the MVS format.
Use the halfword-prefixed string.
The parameter list received by your C application is assumed to be in a CICS format.
The parameter list received by your C application is assumed to be in a CMS extended parameter list format.
The parameter list received by your C application is assumed to be in an IMS format.
The parameter list received by your C application is assumed to be in an MVS format.
The parameter list received by your C application is assumed to be in an OS style.
The parameter list received by your C application is assumed to be in a CPPL format.

Usage notes

  • The behavior of C applications with PLIST(HOST) in effect is the same for C++.
  • When using the pre-Language Environment-conforming C interface for preinitialization, it is necessary to specify PLIST(MVS) in order to flag preinitialized routines.
  • IMS considerations—If your C application runs under IMS, the suboption of PLIST that you specify depends on the version of the C compiler you used.Start of changeNote that PLIST(IMS) is obsolete and should only be used with ADCycle C compiler Version 2.1 or earlier. For z/OS XL C/C++ compilers, you should specify the compiler options PLIST(OS) and TARGET(IMS) instead of runtime option PLIST(IMS).End of change
  • z/OS UNIX consideration—The PLIST option applies only to the main routine of the initial thread.